Mar 30, 2011

Precious Time

As a wedding coordinator, I need to be twice as early as the call time of the entourage. It is like I'm laying the stage where they will perform. Chairs must be complete in number and aligned well. Need to check the candles, match or fueled lighter,sound system sound check...While I am busy on these little things, the ladies could be relaxing in a salon for a hairdo and make-up. I'm pretty sure, some guys are already tired of waiting for their partner. Haha!

My groom appreciates his Papa and Mama.
There are times when guests are also busy. They love to roam around and talk to their relatives, chase the kids, comment on the food and take pictures. But the moment the couple starts to talk, they listen. There's a part of the program when the newly wed will thank and appreciate their parents. Here, the couple realizes that after the big event, they are not going to live with their parents anymore and is going to live on their own. Separation is not a joyful occasion. Thus, tears may flow from both the parents and the couple, just what happened to us. ***tears***  

The girls just wanna have fun.

Now, let's talk about pictures! These girls graced the newly wed couple during the opening of the reception program. Look at them. No one missed to smile. I guess, they are always ready for any candid shot. Ehem...I think they were not prepared for this. ***smile*** 

Every moment is precious, even the falling of rose petals from the bride's bouquet. It's part of the wedding package. The wedding ceremony is designed to be a blissful event because it is a unique and divine union of two different individuals bound by love and commitment. Let's remember that before they were total strangers. Amazing! 

One of my greatest achievements in my life is when I arranged my own wedding. The guests were happy. I got awesome flowers decorated the elegant venue. My reception program host was pretty-brilliant. My best friends left their work to witness this memorable event in my life. I owe everyone my gratefulness, and of course, my happiness.

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